他一見鍾情,認定夏天是他的真命天女,偏偏夏天不想被綁住,並且事先聲明,她不要認真的男女朋友關係,她只想輕鬆交往。過了一段甜蜜日子之後,夏天突然向湯 姆宣布,她要終止這段關係,但希望繼續跟他做朋友。這是在湯姆帶夏天去看「畢業生」之後的事。夏天看到感動得不能自已,卻似乎正好促使她決心分手。
這部片使用跳躍式拍攝法,把湯姆生命中關於夏天的五百日以日做單位來切割,時而往前,時而往後,又用趣味的方式來描述夏天,把這個所到之處都引起騷動的黑髮藍眼美女(Zooey Deschanel真是美呆了) 描述成獨一無二的尤物,使觀眾相信,湯姆遇上的是千載難逢的機會。但是夏天從沒對這份感情有認真的承諾,甚至不願意表明兩人的關係(酒吧那段,湯姆為了夏 天而和人打架,夏天反而不高興湯姆認定兩人是男女朋友),最後果然也沒有特別的原因就分手了。夏天後來對自己結婚的說法是,她就是知道對方是她要共結連理 的對象,而和湯姆她並不確定。她對湯姆說,她不是湯姆的真命天女。用中文說就是,夏天認為這都是命中註定。
關於愛情的討論,自古以來就有一長串,這部小品創新的是說故事的方式,但是內容卻是老調。我喜歡Zooey Deschanel講 話的聲音和樣子;看美女總是一件愉悅的事。至於男主角,我不覺得他特別出色,倒是他和幾個由死黨和老妹組成的戀愛狗頭軍師的互動,還滿有趣的。我也喜歡偶 爾在電影裡看到女人撫袖而去,男人為愛受苦,畢竟這不常見。我還喜歡他重新出發之後,遇到他以前沒注意的秋天女孩。最後要說一句:【戀夏五百日】和許多獨立製片的小品一樣,主角都對音樂有自己的品味,插曲很適合拿來獨自欣賞。開場的「我們」(Us)就令人驚豔;有機會找來聽聽吧!
They made a statue of us
And it put it on a mountain top
Now tourists come and stare at us
Blow bubbles with their gum
Take photographs have fun, have fun
They'll name a city after us
And later say it's all our fault
Then they'll give us a talking to
Then they'll give us a talking to
Because they've got years of experience
We're living in a den of thieves
Rummaging for answers in the pages
We're living in a den of thieves
And it's contagious
And it's contagious
And it's contagious
And it's contagious
We wear our scarves just like a noose
But not 'cause we want eternal sleep
And though our parts are slightly used
New ones are slave labor you can keep
We're living in a den of thieves
Rummaging for answers in the pages
We're living in a den of thieves
And it's contagious
And it's contagious
And it's contagious
And it's contagious
They made a statue of us
They made a statue of us
The tourists come and stare at us
The sculptor's marble sends regards
They made a statue of us
They made a statue of us
Our noses have begun to rust
We're living in a den of thieves
Rummaging for answers in the pages
We're living in a den of thieves
And it's contagious
And it's contagious
And it's contagious
And it's contagious
And it's contagious
And it's contagious
And it's contagious
And it's contagious